Guinot Gommage Facile 200ml
Guinot Gommage Facile 200ml
Exfoliating treatment with Loofa fibres
In less than two minutes in the shower or bath, Gommage Facile leaves skin soft as silk.
The Loofa fibres gently exfoliate rough patches and dead cells, to reveal brand new skin.
Exfoliates perfectly due to the Loofa fibres.
Easy and quick to rinse.
Softens the skin.
Loofa: Loofa fibres are extremely resistant and have been used by women since ancient times to soften and deep cleanse the skin. They provide gentle exfoliation, for a pleasant and effective scrub.
Use on wet skin; using a circular rubbing motion apply to the entire body, focusing on rough patches (elbows, knees, heels).